Colour Yourself in Art, Dance & Sound

A creative journey through the Chakras

8 weeks online live workshop

Starting Soon !

Welcome and gentle blessings to you all. I am so excited to be offering my first online Live workshop series !

You will need your body for moving, stretching, shaking and dancing. An Art Journal and art materials for freestyle art making. Your voice for toning sounds, your breath for relaxation & your ears for sound bathing!

Each week we will explore a chakra & colour. Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means ‘wheel’ and refers to energy points in your body . They are spinning discs of coloured energy connecting us to our physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies.

We start each session with a short guided meditation. Introducing us to the Chakra and colour.

Week 1 -we explore the Base/Root Chakra - which sits at the base of the spine - The Muladhara - is red. We focus on being grounded and connected to the earth , our home and feeling safe, being at home in our bodies. Abundance, nature, belonging, strength and trusting that mother earth provides, nourishes and supports us. We will dive deeper into each chakra in our weekly gatherings.

Dance your Dance !

Checking in with our bodies, stretching, tapping & shaking ourselves awake. Moving into gentle/wild and free flowing dancing. Letting go, activating, clearing & cleansing. Exploring your own unique ways of moving. Dancing your own Dance !

Freestyle Art Making

Grabbing our Art Journals its time to settle into some freestyle art making. Drawing, painting, scribbling. Expressing yourself !

Vocal Toning

Get comfy and wrap yourself in a blanky or sarong, laying or sitting. Connecting to your breath, I will guide you to open your voice, and send tonal sounds and good vibrations through your body. Imagining your sound is filled with colour. The power of your voice is a unique vibrational tool you can use any time for cleansing and healing.

Sound Bathing

Now for the ultimate sound bathing experience. You will be enchanted by the beautiful sounds of alchemy crystal singing bowls, Venus/Neptune gongs, chanting, shamanic drums, bells & Acutonics® chimes/tuning forks, which are tuned to the earth, sun, moon and other planets. You will be transported, regenerated and renewed on a deep cellular level.


Check in together

End our session with a group Ohmmmmm!

Bright Blessings x

$299.00 aud

Please contact me via email or phone for direct deposit, cash, trade, payment plan, concession & scholarship in gratitude Tiffany x

Excited to be meeting you all soon!

During the week in your Journal, you are welcome to express yourself through any type of visual art making , drawing, painting, collage, photography, film, 3D, craft, music, song, words, poetry, story telling etc. We will have a group page we can share and chat !

Remember if you have time to send your beautiful voice & colour to the chakra, first thing in the morning & just before sleep. Or any time for more cleansing, healing and balancing. By the end of the week you will feel amazing !

Feel free to wear the colour all week, it can be big and bright clothing ,a subtle ribbon, piece of jewellery, lipstick or body paint ! Eat foods of the colour, immerse yourself creatively.